7900 Excelsior BLVD Suite 2800, Hopkins, MN 55343
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Trim Your Own Shrubs And Hedges


Overgrown shrubs and hedges look unsightly ” even if you maintain the lushest lawn on the block in a yard full of healthy trees and vibrant landscaping.

Trimming shrubs and hedges is a commonly overlooked task. But doing so once or twice every season will allow more air and sunlight in, maximizing growth and reducing the likelihood of fungus and other diseases developing. Think of the task as preventive maintenance.

Four Steps to Follow
While The Lawnsmith provides complete trimming services, we want to let homeowners know they can accomplish basic trimming on their own with a combination of tools (pruners, loppers, shears and hedge trimmers), plus a ladder and safety goggles. Here are four general steps to follow:

  1. Depending on the form and type of the plant, remove dead or damaged branches with loppers or shears first. Leave smooth and clean cuts at a 45-degree angle, which will allow rainwater to slide off rather than gather and invite fungus.
  2. Electric shearing or trimming works well for hedges, while pines and evergreens with needles require a small hand pruner or lopper.
  3. Unless you want to turn your hedges and shrubs into unusual or ornamental art forms ” for that, we recommend you hire a professional, such as The Lawnsmith” you should opt for a natural look with a uniform height. Trim branches beginning with the tallest ones and aligning them with shorter branches until you reach the overall desired height. It will be helpful to step back and take a look at your work every so often to ensure you’re maintaining a consistent shape and height.
  4. Remember that every new cut encourages new growth. So be sure to thin out the sides (and not just trim the top branches). Keep the shrub or hedge wider at the base than at the top, which will let in sunlight and foster healthy growth.

One Final Reminder
Given the climate in Minnesota, the University of Minnesota Extension office recommends trimming shrubs and hedges whenever growth reaches another six to eight inches, and pruning to within two inches of the last trim.

Photo credit:  Wylius | iStock Photo


Summer Healthy Lawns


seems like you just celebrated Memorial Day, and before you know what hit you, it's Labor Day and time to send the kids back to school. That gives you just over three months to enjoy the great outdoors with the ones you love. If you would rather enjoy picnics, tossing a ball around, and days at the beach over taking care of your lawn, The Lawnsmith is here to help.

Weekly Lawn Mowing: An Hour of Your Summer You Never Get Back
Lawn mowing is one of those chores you simply can't ignore. Not only is an overgrown lawn unattractive, it is also unhealthy. Regular mowing gives the soil underneath the opportunity to breathe, which in turn gives your lawn a lush, green appearance. With the limited time you have on summer evenings and weekends, mowing the lawn is probably the last thing you feel like doing. The Lawnsmith offers weekly and bi-weekly services on a day you choose. In addition to mowing, we also trim your lawn and dispose of all the grass clippings.

Special Lawn Care Situations
If your lawn is not as healthy as you would like, The Lawnsmith offers numerous one-time or ongoing services to help it look its best. For example, our professional fertilization service improves the health of your lawn this year and ensures that it remains healthy in the future. We visit your home several times to apply fertilizer that helps control crabgrass and weeds. The applications are staggered throughout the summer to allow the fertilizer the chance to penetrate the lawn and soil. This service is especially important to keep insects and pests from destroying your lawn.

Some of the other lawn care and maintenance services you may wish to consider includeaerationdethatchingdouble aeration and overseeding and power edging. Additionally, we can replace sections of your lawn that are bare or overrun with weeds.

Summer is for Family
Long road trips, an ice cream cone on a hot day, and watching fireworks cuddled together on a blanket are things that kids and adults alike will cherish in the years to come. Summer is short, so leave the lawn care to us and we'll leave the memory making to you.

Get a free estimate today, and reclaim your summer time!

Photo credit: ViewApart / iStock / Getty Images Plus