Bugs and Mosquitos Ruining Your Summer? Try Growing These Plants
You have dreamed about summer for months and it's finally here. It's time to sit in the backyard in the evenings and enjoy this all too brief season. Unfortunately, bugs and mosquitos are already threatening to send you back in the house. Before you let them take over your yard, consider growing some or all of the eight plants described below to repel them. According to the website Real Simple, growing these plants in your garden or a pot in the backyard will keep the pests at bay.
Plants That Do More Than Look Pretty
All plants make your yard more attractive, but these pull double duty by repelling bugs and mosquitos. They include:
- Basil: Common flies and mosquitos dislike the taste of this plant. To keep them away, make sure your basil plant gets plenty of sun and moisture and clip its leaves regularly. This ensures the taste is unpleasant enough for the insects to leave you alone.
- Citronella Grass: This potted grass has a strong odor that repels unwanted insects. Consider buying a small pot of citronella grass and placing it on a table when you want to eat outside.
- Lavender: Insects also dislike the smell of lavender. You can keep them from annoying you by planting them in your garden in summer or rubbing lavender oil on your skin.
- Lemongrass: Since this plant can grow up to five feet tall, you need a large pot for it if you don't plant it in your garden. The smell is what repels bugs and mosquitos since lemongrass is an edible plant.
- Mint: This is a natural insect repellant, but can be difficult to remove from the garden if you ever want to. For best results, plant mint in a pot and remove dead leaves frequently.
- Nasturtium: Not only does this plant repel many different types of insects, it also protects the other plants in your garden with an airborne chemical it releases. Nasturtium needs to be planted in the early spring and receive regular watering.
- Petunias: The petunia plant keeps insects from bothering you in addition to keeping critters such as asparagus beetles and tomato hornworm from destroying your other plants. Transplanted petunias tend to be the most effective.
- Rosemary: Rosemary grows well in the summer heat and release a fragrance that repels mosquitos and other annoying insects. It also makes an attractive centerpiece for your backyard landscaping.
We're Here to Help
Maybe you don't have the time to grow these plants or you're not sure which ones would look best with your outdoor décor. If so, no worries. Just give The Lawnsmith a call and we would be happy to come out and help you.
Photo Credit: Michael Möller / EyeEm - Getty Images