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The Dog Days Of Summer - Caring For Your Minneapolis Lawn


Is your Minneapolis lawn looking a bit tired during these hot summer months? You're not alone. Many homeowners find the dog days of summer (July 3 - August 11) tough on their green spaces. Keeping your turf healthy now can be tricky, but we’re here to help.

Get ready to give your outdoor space some love! Keep reading for easy steps to a more beautiful and healthy lawn.

Key Takeaways

  • Watering your lawn in the early morning or late evening prevents water from evaporating too quickly, which is important for fighting drought stress. Mowing once a week to about 3 inches high helps keep the grass strong and weeds away.
  • Weeds, pests, and diseases can damage your lawn. Using specific treatments can fight these problems without harming your yard. For example, different weeds need different solutions.
  • Regular lawn care like proper watering, mowing correctly, fertilizing right, and controlling weeds keeps your property looking good. This can lift your home's value but also make you feel a sense of happiness when you are outside or looking out your windows.
  • Professional services like The Lawnsmith offer a wide range of help from cutting grass to aeration. This makes taking care of your lawn easier if you're busy or unsure how to do it yourself.

Benefits of a Healthy Lawn to the Environment and Your Life

Your yard can do more than just add a sense of comfort as you pull into your driveway. After our long Minnesota winters, a well-maintained  lawn can lead to a sense of pride and satisfaction. 

Aesthetic appeal

A nice lawn makes everything look better. Your home looks more maintained, and your curb-appeal is enhanced. Having lush grass isn't just for show either. It feels great to see your home surrounded by vibrant green instead of dirt and weeds. 

Caring for your Minneapolis lawn means more than just watering and mowing—it's about boosting its beauty too!

Reduced soil erosion

Healthy lawns fight soil erosion like a hero. Imagine heavy rain hitting your yard. Without strong grass roots, the soil would wash away. This isn't just bad for your garden; it leads to murky waterways too.

But, with a well-maintained lawn full of cool-season grasses, the roots hold onto the soil tight. They make sure the dirt stays put, even during Minnesota's big summer thunderstorms.

Increased property value

Keeping your lawn in top shape does wonders for your home's value. Good lawns make homes look better and buyers are willing to pay more for that curb appeal.

Not planning on selling your home soon? Maintaining your lawn now means less landscape maintenance down the line – saving you time and money when it’s time to sell.

Stress relief

Your lawn in Minneapolis is more than just grass and soil. It's a place of peace. The green space helps clear your head after a long day.

If you begin to feel stress thinking about how to achieve the perfect lawn, whether due to time constraints or busy summer schedules, The Lawnsmith is available to take that burden off of your shoulders, so you can simply enjoy your lawn, and not have to be the one maintaining it!

Common Lawn Issues in Minneapolis

In Minneapolis, keeping a lawn green and happy faces some challenges—like dry spells, unwanted plants, invasive insects, and sickness. Want to know how to fight these troubles? Keep reading!


Drought turns your lush lawn into a sad, dry patch. Your grass struggles without enough water. Minneapolis summers can get dry, although this summer certainly has not been one of drought, yet! 

Best times? Early morning or late evening when the sun is low. This way, water gets to roots before evaporating.

You've seen lawns turn brown and crunchy under the hot sun. That's drought stress kicking in – a big problem for Minneapolis homeowners like you wanting green, healthy yards all summer long.

Smart watering makes a difference. Use push mowers gently over stressed grass, avoiding damage. Adjust your schedule according to weather forecasts for rain or more dry spells – it helps avoid wasting water while giving your lawn just what it needs during those dog days of summer.

Weed growth

Weeds in your lawn are tough little enemies. They pop up everywhere, taking food and water away from your grass. You might see different kinds of weeds that need special care to get rid of them.

For example, some weeds might disappear with a simple pull, while others need a strong weed killer.

How to fight weeds matters, too. You'll want something that works well without harming your lawn or the environment. The Lawnsmith can help with that.


Pests can turn your lawn from a green haven to a troubled spot. Recognizing the signs of invasive insects in your lawn early can help prevent extensive damage. Here are some indicators to watch for:

  1. Discolored or Patchy Grass: Yellow, brown, or dead patches in your lawn can indicate insect activity. Different insects cause different types of damage, leading to varied patterns of discoloration.
  2. Visible Insects: Seeing insects such as grubs, army worms, or sod webworms on the soil surface or in the grass can be a clear sign of infestation.
  3. Unusual Animal Activity: Increased presence of birds, raccoons, or other animals digging in your lawn could suggest they are hunting for insects like grubs.
  4. Thinning Grass: If your grass is thinning out and doesn't respond to watering and fertilization, it could be due to root damage caused by insects.
  5. Damaged Roots: Pulling up a section of your lawn and finding damaged or shortened roots can indicate an underground insect problem, such as grubs or nematodes.
  6. Frass or Sawdust-like Material: The presence of frass (insect excrement) or sawdust-like material on the soil surface or around grass stems can indicate feeding activity from insects like cutworms or armyworms.
  7. Tunnels or Mounds: Mounds of soil or tunnels just below the grass surface can be signs of mole crickets or other tunneling insects.
  8. Wilting Grass: Grass that wilts despite adequate watering can be a sign of insect damage to the roots or stems.
  9. Chewed Grass Blades: Grass blades with ragged edges or notched holes can indicate chewing insects like caterpillars or beetles.
  10. Silk Webbing: Webbing on the grass surface or around grass stems can indicate the presence of sod webworms.

If you notice any of these signs, it may be beneficial to consult a lawn care professional or entomologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Your Minneapolis lawn faces tough challenges, and disease is a big one. Lawn diseases like snow mold come alive especially after winter. They attack your grass, making it look bad.

Think of spots or patches that just don't grow right. It's not just about looks; these diseases can harm your lawn's health deep down.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

To keep your grass green and lush there are a few key things you should do. Give it enough water, cut it often but not too short, and make sure it gets the right food and air.

Proper watering techniques

Water your lawn early in the morning or late in the evening. These times are best because the sun is not too hot. This way, water goes deep into the soil. It helps your grass drink up more water before it evaporates.

Using a timer can make this easy.

Keep track of sunrise and sunset times in Minneapolis to pick perfect watering moments. Don't flood your lawn; just give it enough to soak deeply but slowly. This method encourages roots to grow deeper, finding moisture even during dry spells like those cold winters in Minneapolis bring.

Use mulch to help keep the moisture in. 

Mowing frequency and height

Cut your grass once a week. This keeps it healthy and saves you time in the long run. Too much or too little can hurt your lawn, making it easy for weeds to take over. Also, setting your mower blades to the right height is key – about 3 inches tall is best for summer.

This taller length helps shade the soil, keeping moisture in and giving weeds less room to grow.

It's amazing how such small changes made a big difference in lawn care!

Fertilization and weed control

Fertilization keeps your grass green and healthy. You have options like synthetic or organic fertilizers, made just for our Minneapolis/St. Paul weather. Each grass type eats different food, so pick the right one.

For weeds that pop up, know this -- each bad weed has its own enemy. Find the specific treatment to get rid of them fast, or consult with The Lawnsmith for our recommendation.

Aeration and overseeding

Aeration lets your lawn breathe and helps roots grow deep. Think of aeration as poking tiny holes in your yard. This makes more room for air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots.

In Minneapolis lawncare, power core aeration is key because it pulls up small plugs of soil which opens up space for healthy growth.

Overseeding is tossing new grass seeds over your existing lawn. After aeration, those seeds fall into the little holes and start growing strong. It fills in bare spots and makes your lawn thicker.

Professional Lawn Care Solutions

For those with a bit less time or need a hand to make their lawn shine, professional lawn care is the way to go. Companies like The Lawnsmith offer everything from cutting grass to fixing pesky weeds--making life easier and your yard looking great.

Services offered by The Lawnsmith

The Lawnsmith has a big menu of services to keep your yard looking great. We can cut your grass, let air and water get to the roots by making small holes in the soil (aeration), feed your lawn, fight weeds, design and care for gardens (landscaping), lay new grass rolls (sodding), spread mulch, clean up in spring and fall, remove snow in winter, trim bushes, and prune trees.

These services are perfect for keeping houses looking good for people living there or trying to sell their homes. They also work well for homeowner associations taking care of common areas or real estate agents getting properties ready for open houses.

Choosing The Lawnsmith means not having to worry about renting equipment or spending weekends working outside. This is especially helpful if you own several properties or manage vacation rentals where first impressions matter a lot.

You can count on us whether you want a one-time clean-up or regular maintenance all year round—from when the grass starts growing in spring until the last leaf falls in autumn.

Customer reviews

People love the look of their yards after The Lawnsmith works on them. Many say their grass has never looked better. They talk about how weed control gets rid of unwanted plants without harming the grass or flowers.

Professional techs make sure everything is done right, and you don't have to worry.

For example, here are some words from clients:

“The crew was friendly and VERY thorough with the fall cleanup. I also like that I receive both texts and emails alerting me when to expect them. Bravo, Dan Beutz!”

“On time and professional”

“The team did an awesome job! Our yard looks amazing. Please let them know. Thanks!”


Keeping your lawn looking great during the dog days of summer is a snap with The Lawnsmith. 

We know all about making Minneapolis lawns thrive, whether summer weather is wet and rainy, or when it's hot and dry. We make it easy to request a free estimate here!



1. What are the "Dog Days of Summer" in relation to lawn care?

The "Dog Days of Summer" refer to the hottest, most stressful period for lawns in Minneapolis, typically July 3-August 11. It's a time when careful attention is needed to ensure your lawn stays healthy.

2. How should I care for my Minneapolis lawn during these hot summer days?

During this challenging period, it's important to water your lawn adequately, mow at the right height and frequency, and keep an eye out for signs of stress or disease.

3. Is there a specific watering schedule recommended during the Dog Days of Summer?

Yes! The best practice is early morning watering—when evaporation rates are low—to allow your grass enough hydration throughout those scorching summer days.

4. Are there any special products or services that can help me maintain my Minneapolis lawn in summer?

Absolutely! There are various local services offering specialized treatments and products designed specifically for Minneapolis lawns during the hot summer months.